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    « First Down! Kicking Off the Starting Lineup for the Big Game! | Main | New TV, Does Anyone Care? »

    February 02, 2011


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    Plop, plop indeed. I have really enjoyed reading your thoughts on the Alka-Seltzer brand, and how they've recently uninterred (just saw this word used for the first the the other day) little Speedy.

    What I find very strange is that they have decided to introduce him with some sort of parody on the deaf known as 'Said/Heard Mishaps,' where people are invited to share funny stories about miscommunications - mental indigestion, perhaps?

    I've taken the liberty of linking to this article from the contest page on my website. Do take a peek - the contest is only open to US residents. Click on "For some useful history on Speedy, have a look at this article."

    If you're not happy about the link, please let me know, and I'll remove it.

    I have really enjoyed reading your thoughts on the Alka-Seltzer brand, and how they've recently uninterred (just saw this word used for the first the the other day) little Speedy.

    Very nice post. Your thoughts are amazing.

    Great insights and great read.

    Wow.Wonderful blog posting.I enjoyed when i was reading you blog since you posted amazing information about your thoughts .It really motivates others to read your blogs.

    Very nice post. I do agree that the alka-seltzer brand has always been tickling my funny bone.

    The only way in which to cure a bad hangover is by consuming one of these little babies called Alka-Seltzer. After a mad night on holiday this is the only cure to get rid of the bad head and cure the stomach lol .

    Very interesting posts. I'll check back again

    Alka Seltza is the best. I had a couple this morning after waking up with a raging hang over. It was cured within about 5 minutes of taking it whoop whoop, how would I go on without these little tablets.

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